Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Best College Majors for a Secure Future /by Laurence Shatkin

50 Best College Majors for a Secure Future W0rk (9-2009) | PDF | 352 pages | 1593577265 | 3.7Mb

50 Best College Majors for a Secure Future /by Laurence Shatkin. 50 Best College Majors for a Secure Future is a timely guide about which education paths are most likely to connect to rewarding careers during flourishing and floundering economic climates.
A bonus list reveals the best recession-proof courses to improve an otherwise risky major. This is the 17th book in the JIST's Best Job series.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Part I: Add Security to Your College Major and Your Future Job 15
Part II: The Best Majors Lists 21
Part III: Descriptions of the Best High- Security Majors 73
Part IV: Descriptions of Related Secure Jobs 137
Appendix: Resources for Further
Exploration 329
Index 331

Download link:

Filesonic | Mirror#1 | Mirror#2

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