Monday, December 26, 2011

Douglas E. Comer, "Essentials of Computer Architecture"

Douglas E. Comer, "Essentials of Computer Architecture"
P..tice H-l | 2004 | ISBN: 0131491792 | 400 pages | PDF | 2 MB

Essentials of Computer Architecture is ideal for undergraduate courses in computer architecture and organization.

Douglas Comer takes a clear, concise approach to computer architecture that readers love. By exploring the fundamental concepts from a programmer ’s perspective and explaining programming consequences, this unique text covers exactly the material students need to understand and construct efficient and correct programs for modern hardware.

Covers the basics of digital logic and data representation, omitting unnecessary, low-level details.
Presents broad, accurate coverage of processors, memory, and I/O.
Includes an overview of assembly languages and programming paradigms.
Helps the reader understand the impact of systems architecture on programming and debugging.
Explains why hardware pipelining speeds execution and how programs are optimized to run on a pipeline architecture.
Discusses design and implementation trade-offs.
Contains "hands-on" lab exercises that allow students to put principles into practice.

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